A Few Words About Us

What we had in mind while starting EVRF was a question about fairness: Why do some organizations benefit from electric vehicles while others do not? 

We realized that getting into electric vehicles required a steep learning curve and getting the right advice was often expensive and inaccessible. That's where the idea for EVRF was born - would more people get into EVs if they could access affordable, unbiased support from experts who care? 

At EV re-Fleet (EVRF) we pride ourselves in making the  electric vehicle technology accessible for all staff members. Our employees care deeply about your team's learning success and are focused on creating a cleaner and more affordable future for all. We've helped thousands of people learn about EVs and have assessed over 15,000 fleet vehicles for electrification. 

Our approach is tailored to your organization's needs - we listen to your staff and prepare training materials or provide consulting support that addresses your teams specific needs. Our methodology is thorough, based on sound data analysis and engineering best practices, and involves numerous quality checks before presenting information to your team. 

Get in Touch

Not sure where to get started? Contact our team to explore the best way to get your organization prepared for the EV revolution.