• Customer Stories

    Check out our success stories to learn how help employees get up to speed on the EV economy

Our Clients

We work with industry leaders who set ambitious sustainability objectives and provide the right resources for their key stakeholders to successfully meet those objectives. 

Electric Vehicle Training

Your organization already offers training and support to help staff to get better at their job - this improves job satisfaction and efficiency. Yet, when it comes to the biggest transition in our transportation system, most organizations expect employees to become experts on electric vehicles without formal support. 

The transition from gas transportation to electric mobility is a once-in-a-century evolution. Don't leave your employees hanging... They have difficult questions about this transition and need leadership support. 

Our team of experts will quickly get your employees up to speed on everything they need to know about EVs so that you can focus on running an efficient and successful organization. 

Electric vehicle training

If your team interacts with employees or consumers who operate EVs, your staff is likely to be overwhelmed by questions and objections. We've seen this problem across our client base ranging from fleet managers through to marketing managers who end up receiving so many new questions that it can affect morale and disrupt operations. Don't let your team fall behind by expecting them to learn technical concepts on their own. Contact us to get started.

Case Study: It's about time

Time is money and you don't want your employees to waste time getting up to speed on electric vehicle lingo. In this case study, you will learn why  EnergySage (the leading marketplace for residential solar installations) worked with EV re-Fleet to develop a customized curriculum to help their marketplace and supplier operations teams quickly learn what they need to be successful in the EV economy. 

Electric Vehicle Consulting

Fleet owners across the country are facing an unprecedented opportunity to reduce operating costs and cut emissions. By adopting electric vehicles, your organization can save thousands of dollars and make the world a better place. 

However, adopting electric vehicles requires a higher upfront investment and places new demands on your facilities team to deploy EV charging infrastructure. 

After having assessed over 15,000 vehicles for electrification - our team has developed a unique approach to help you prioritize which vehicles to electrify and how to charge them.  

Electric vehicle training

Fleet EV Assessment

At this point you may have purchased a few electric vehicles for your fleet or you may be thinking about making your first purchase. They key issue is to determine which of your vehicles are good candidates for electric vehicles and to create a fleet replacement plan that you can confidently present to your senior management: You need a Fleet EV Assessment. 

What is included?

  • Electric vehicle suitability analysis based on your driving habits
  • Business case including financial and environmental analysis
  • Multi-year electricity and power profiling
  • In-person site visit (contact us if needed)
  • Building load analysis and engineering diagrams (contact us if needed)

Case Study: It all starts with your fleet

Fleet owners who electrify their vehicles can cut their operating costs by more than 30% as long as they replace the right vehicles. In this case study, you will learn why Open Energy Alliance (a zero emission energy infrastructure supplier) partnered with EV re-Fleet to help an airport fleet operator develop a robust EV charging strategy. 

Infrastructure and Site Assessments

So, you've made the decision to adopt electric vehicles but now you need to figure out how to charge them: You need to create a plan and establish your budget for EV charging stations. The Community and Site Assessment Package from Innervations will get you started down the right path. Innervations is an experienced installer that deploys hardware and software from the most reputable brands in the EV charging equipment space.

What is included?

  • GPS map of your site
  • Diagram of ideal EV charger location
  • Overview of utility capacity and/or required upgrades
  • In-person Site Visit (contact us if needed)
  • Multiple sites (contact us if needed)

Case Study: Smart EV planning pays off

Deciding how many EV chargers to install and where to put them is a decision that will impact your organization for many years. In this case study, you will find out why Carl and his sons (owners of a commercial real estate plaza) decided to complete a Community and Infrastructure Site Assessment before contacting EV charging suppliers.

Custom Requests

Can't find exactly what you're looking for? Book a free consultation today and let's start a conversation. Our team is well connected with hundreds of industry experts so if we can't help you directly, we'll make the right introduction.