EV Batteries Overview

25.01.23 11:13 PM Comment(s) By Rebecca Hisiger

Common Questions Employees Have About EV Batteries

Electric vehicle (EV) batteries are the crucial component to powering electric cars. They store energy from the electric grid or from regenerative braking and provide the energy necessary to run the electric motor. The size, capacity, and number of battery cells determine the range of an electric vehicle, with larger and higher capacity batteries providing a longer range. There is ongoing research to improve the performance and reduce the cost of EV batteries, making electric vehicles increasingly competitive with traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.

With so much of an EV’s functionality relying on the car’s battery, it is natural for drivers of gasoline-powered vehicles to have some questions when thinking about switching to EVs. These are some common questions that employees have about EV batteries: 

  1. How long will the battery last?

According to industry expectations, on average EV batteries last between 100,000 and 200,000 miles, or about 15 to 20 years. That is actually more than the current life expectancy of a car - in other words, EV batteries are expected to outlast the vehicle they are in! However, It's important to keep in mind that this can be affected by factors such as aggressive driving, heavy loads, and extreme temperatures, which can all decrease the actual battery life.

  1. Are the batteries safe?

The safety of EV batteries has been a topic of concern, but they are designed to meet rigorous safety standards and are considered very safe. The lithium-ion batteries in modern EVs have multiple layers of protection against overcharging, overheating, and collision damage, which reduce the risk of incidents such as fires. However, like any complex system, EV batteries can malfunction or fail, so it's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for maintenance and usage to ensure their safety. EV battery safety is also continuing to improve! There is current work being done to implement new battery types like lithium iron phosphate (LFP), which offers many benefits such as lower cost and longer life in addition to being 5 times less likely to combust in cases of damage or extreme temperatures.

  1. How much do the batteries cost?

Due to improvements in technology and production, the cost of electric vehicle batteries has been steadily decreasing over the past few years and is expected to continue to do so over the next few years. This is despite a recent cost increase due to rising raw material and battery component prices toward the end of 2022, according to a recent Bloomberg report. Right now an EV battery costs on average between $2,000 and $10,000 to replace, but the exact cost can vary widely depending on factors such as the size of the battery, the manufacturer, and the specific application. The good news is that manufacturers typically offer an 8 to 10 year warranty to cover battery replacement costs should it be needed within that time frame.

Rebecca Hisiger

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