• EV Training

    Educate your team to be ready for the electric vehicle transition

Our Clients

We work with industry leaders who set ambitious EV adoption goals and provide resources for their employees to successfully meet those objectives. 

Electric Vehicle Training

Your organization already offers training and support to help staff to get better at their job - this improves job satisfaction and productivity. 

With EVRF you can choose off-the shelf training modules or create a customized training solution to help your team: 

  • Explain the basics about EVs and EV charging
  • Address common biases and myths about EVs
  • Understand technical operating needs
Electric vehicle training

Case Study: It's about time

Time is money and you don't want your employees to waste time getting up to speed on electric vehicle lingo. In this case study, you will learn why  EnergySage (the leading marketplace for residential solar installations) worked with EV re-Fleet to develop a customized curriculum to help their marketplace and supplier operations teams quickly learn what they need to be successful in the EV economy. 

Custom Requests

Can't find exactly what you're looking for? Book a free consultation today and let's start a conversation. Our team is well connected with hundreds of industry experts so if we can't help you directly, we'll make the right introduction.